
Germ and Flu Posters Set of 7

Germ and Flu Posters Set of 7

Part Number: P.SET.07


Special Sale Poster Set Includes:

  1. NOT WANTED - Jesse Germs - Healthy Reward for NOT Catching or Spreading (P167)
  2. NOT WANTED  - John Dillingerm - Healthy Reward for NOT Catching or Spreading (P168)
  3. NOT WANTED - Sal 'Mo' Nella - Healthy Reward for NOT Catching or Spreading (P169)
  4. Don't Let That Swinely Flu GET YOU! Wash and sanitize your hands (P170
  5. The Eyes of the Flue are on YOU - Wash and sanitize your hands (P171)
  6. Don't Let That Pesky Flu GET TO YOU - Wash and sanitize your hands (P172)
  7. The Vast Crusade (CRU.UV)

 All posters measure 11 x 17 inches and are laminated for enhanced durability.



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