Coronavirus Public Place

COVID19: Show people what they should know to protect themselves from (Coronavirus)

Inform people about how to protect themselves from the acquisition viruses and germs such as Corona Virus. One cannot watch the news lately without being inundated with stories about the latest deadly virus outbreak. Scenes showing the dire situation in China where the outbreak seems to have started are prevalent in the media. Closed borders, sequestered or isolated travelers, cruise-ship customers in lock-down. Investigators are working feverishly to determine the sources of these viruses and the routes of transmission especially from one person to the next.

New Posters: Coronavirus in Public Places

Stay Safe Poster Protect Yourself Poster

The usual routes to infection are the most likely suspects. Touching surfaces in public and then touching our portals of entry (eyes, nose and mouth), breathing in of airborne germs or ingesting contaminated food. Of course we are  concerned with preventing illness amongst the population at large but must also realize that protecting oneself is of primary importance. In that vein Brevis presents new posters to inform people about the basic steps that can help to protect themselves.

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